
  • Scabies birds
    <div id="indexProductListCatDescription" class="content" style="margin:0px 0px 10px;padding:0px;color:#4d5255;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"><span style="color:#4d5255;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Bird Repeller</span></span></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"><span style="color:#4d5255;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Bird repeller is a kind of device which emit ultrasonic to repel the uninvited birds from the protected area and keep them away. As everyone knows, bird are big troublemakers near people's orchard, pond and farm, birds will destroy the plantation, fruits, vegetables and catch the fish in the pond, these all may be their target, even the security of the airport facilities will be threatened by the birds. And the birds shit on the roof or in the garden is very difficult to clean up.</span></span></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"><span style="color:#4d5255;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;">In order to prevent these situations and keep the birds away without kill them. Bird repeller can solve these problems in a very natural way, it is safe, clean and eco-friendly, no harmful to people and pets. When the birds come into the protected area of the device, the strong flashing and ultrasonic waves will be activated,then the birds will be scared and fly away. It's suitable to install in the garden, farm, orchard, pond and roof. With our bird repeller, it will make a better environment for your home.</span></span></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"></p> <p style="margin:0px;padding:0px;text-align:left;"><span style="color:#4d5255;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size:12px;">You can find solar animal and bird repeller, ultrasonic bird repeller, motion sensor bird repeller, battery powered bird repeller a well-known bird repeller manufacturer.</span></span></p> </div>
  • Flea flicker
    <p><span style="color:#222222;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">Blchy sa živia </span><a href="" title="Krv" style="color:#0b0080;background-image:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">krvou</a><span style="color:#222222;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;"> hostiteľa, pričom blchy niesu schopné zmeniť druh hostiteľov, ktorými sú teplokrvné stavovce, t. j. </span><a href="" title="Vtáky" style="color:#0b0080;background-image:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">vtáky</a><span style="color:#222222;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">, alebo </span><a href="" title="Cicavce" style="color:#0b0080;background-image:none;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">cicavce</a><span style="color:#222222;font-family:sans-serif;font-size:14px;">. V závislosti od druhov bĺch môžu byť rozdiely, či preferujú život na tele jedinca, alebo v jeho prostredí (brlohu, hniezde), väčšina z nich trávi svoj život na tele hostiteľov, no nie sú na nich pevnejšie viazané, môžu ich striedať. Zaujímavou vlastnosťou bĺch je ich schopnosť vydržať dlhšie (až rok) bez potravy.</span></p>
  • Snake Repeller
    <p>Snake Repeller  - Electronic Snakes Repellent<br />Snakes have very poor eyesight and they cannot hear sonic waves transmitted by the air. To make up, they can sense vibrations transmit from the ground by their jowls as a signal of danger. Thus, using the vibrant sound could be a practical, and effective way to scare snakes away from a certain area. The very convenient and newly developed electronic VIBRARANDOM SNAKE REPELLENT</p> <p>Snakes can cause a big problem especially in areas close to their natural homes where they are likely to stray into nearby gardens or houses.  Gardens with lots of shrubbery are considered great hiding spots for most types of snake and they can nest there undiscovered for long periods of time. Keeping the snakes away from your home is safer for not only you but them as well. Unknown varieties of snakes in close proximity can be a dangerous thing but it can also scare and potentially injure the snake as well.</p> <p>This unique home protection appliance is a safe and humane way to ward off snakes ensuring that everyone can live with less concern over snakes around their home. This kind of devices use a simple but effective method of deterring snakes.</p> <p>They emit sound vibrations through the ground that snakes find very uncomfortable to be around.  Snakes don't hear sound like you or I. Instead they pick up vibrations through the ground that they detect as sound.  Snakes don't like to be around high activity areas where machines, animals, humans, etc. are making a lot of noise and the snake repellent device creates the same effect as a high activity environment by use of the sound vibrations.</p> <p>Totally eco-friendly, no chemical, no drugs, no harmful.</p> <p>Join us and enjoy comfortable living environment without snake together!!</p> <p></p>
  • Plašiče HOLUBOV
    <p>Holuby predstavujú početnú skupinu vtákov, ktoré sa vyskytujú takmer po celom svete. V Európe žije niekoľko druhov, ktoré patria do dvoch rodov. Sú to holuby a hrdličky. Na Slovensku sa prirodzene vyskytujú: hrdlička záhradná, hrdlička poľná, holub hrivnák, holub plúžik a samozrejme dobre známe divo žijúce mestské populácie domácich holubov. V prímorských krajinách Európy sa objavuje aj holub skalný, ktorý je predkom domácich holubov.</p>
  • Mosquito repeller
    <p>Mosquito repeller can help you reduce the nuisance of mosquito in a simple and effective way. Sometimes you may feel mosquito everywhere, especially in summer, they come into your home, seemingly out of nowhere and invade your kitchen. <br />Probably most maddening of all is that they keep making humming when they fly, it seems that you can never catch them! <br />Of course, they always bring bacteria and viruses into your home. Aosion' mosquito repeller offer a safe way of getting rid of it when compared to insecticide and other chemicals that are potentially hazardous when children and pets are present. You just need to plug in, then it can emit ultrasonic that is in-audible to the human ear and safe to use around children and pet. <br />The mosquito repeller can cause distress in mosquito as they target the nervous system of mosquito and make them feel discomfort to drive them out of your home, kitchen, office, restaurant...</p>
  • Mole Repeller
    <p>Mole Repeller</p> <p>Tiny, velvety, almost completely blind, moles are among the most secretive garden creatures. You might live with one for years and never see it. But you'll notice what it's been up to. Moles live underground, tunneling in search of earthworms to eat. Their habit of throwing up excess soil onto the surface of a lawn as molehills is maddening enough, but their tunnels also undermine the lawn's surface, and moles can disturb roots of young plants as they move around. To get rid of this kind of annoying garden or lawn's destroyer, we would do everything we can to solved mole problems.But mole controls aren't always very pleasant. For example, tablets containing aluminium phosphide are sometimes placed in mole tunnels where they turn into phosphine gas, poisoning the creatures.</p>
  • Plašič KÚN
  • Plašiče LASÍC
  • Cat Repeller
    <p>Cat Repeller</p> <p>Cat with a strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws adapted to killing small prey. But unwelcome cats will destroy our garden.</p> <p>Cat repeller is a kind of product which used in the house or garden and repel the unwelcome animals away from the protected area. Today we create the cat repeller to help you, using ultrasonic, flashing with PIR sensor to protect your area away from the unwelcome animals. PIR sensor will detect the heat of the cats when they come over the detecting area. When detected, the device will be active and emit strong ultrasonic wave and flashing together to scare them away from the area. Just like shorting at them but human beings can not hear the noisy. After several days they will move away from your house, leave a comfortable environment for your family.</p>
  • Plašiče MEDVEĎA
  • Plašiče MRAVCOV
  • Fly Repeller
    <p>Fly Repeller</p> <p>Fly repeller can help you reduce the nuisance of flies in a simple and effective way. Sometimes you may feel these flies everywhere, they come into your home,  seemingly out of nowhere and invade your kitchen. Probably most maddening of all is that they keep making humming when they fly,  it seems that you can never catch them! Of course, they always bring bacteria and viruses into your home.</p> <p></p> <p> fly repeller offer a safe way of getting rid of flies when compared to sticky traps and other chemicals that are potentially hazardous when children and pets are present. You just need to plug in, then it can emit ultrasonic that is in-audible to the human ear and safe to use around children and pet. The fly repeller can cause distress in fly as they target the nervous system of fly and make them feel discomfort to drive them out of your home, kitchen, office, restaurant...</p>
  • Mouse Repeller
    <p>Mouse Repeller</p> <p>Mouse repeller is a kind of product which used in the house and repel the mouse away from the protected area. As people know, mouse is a big trouble worldwide. In every country, we can see mouse steal food from the house. They also bites furniture while their teeth growing. Not only make annoying noise but also break the furniture in the houses. Not only steal the food in the kitchen or storage warehouse but also brings disease to human and pets.</p> <p>For thousands of years, humanity have tried to deal with such problems. We made poison to kill them. Make traps to trap them. Raise cats to hunt them. But they haven't been exterminated. On the contrary, they become stronger, smarter and living in every corner on this planet. Traditional methods are no longer that useful to catch these small creatures.</p> <p>Mouse repeller is a high-tech item which deterrent them away with ultrasonic waves, a high frequency sonic wave which can only be heard by the mouse, not affection to human, pets or other electric devices. Safe, clean, eco-friendly and effective. Try it in your house, you will love it.</p>
  • Bat Repeller
    <p>Bat Repeller</p> <p>Bat repeller is a kind of product which could used in the house and drive bats away from the private area. As people know, bats is always a big trouble and we can see bats flying in the corner of the house, in the eaves etc.</p> <p>Some bats are food on flood of pest and animals which may be poisonous, and some other bats are food on fruits which is Labors' results. Even sometimes the bats will transmit rabies, even causing death of human. It's really dangerous for human being.</p> <p></p> <p>We think many different method to drive them away such as this bat repeller. This kind of device will create an uncomfortable and dangerous environment for bats. Making them feel uncomfortable in the protected area, like people stay in a noisy place where many people fighting. Try bat repeller in your private area, you will love this small and quiet device.</p>
  • Spider Repeller
    <p>Spider Repeller</p> <p>Spiders are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs able to inject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every habitat with the exceptions of air and sea colonization. As of November 2015, at least 45,700 spider species, and 113 families have been recorded by taxonomists.  Although spiders will eat some pests in house, but most of women and children will be afraid of them. You will hear "Ahhhh", "Helpppp" when they see them, and also the spider net will be hard to clean up.</p> <p></p> <p>Today we create the spider to help you, using ultrasonic and electromagnetic create an area let the spiders feel uncomfortable and even destroy their nervous systems. After several days(2-3 weeks) they will move away from your house, leave a comfortable environment for your family. Totally eco-friendly, no chemical, no drugs, no harmful. Join us and enjoy comfortable living environment without disgusting spiders together!!</p>
  • Plašiče PLCH
  • Rat Repeller
    <p>Rat Repeller</p> <p>Rats repeller is a kind of product which used in the house and repel the rats away from the protected area. As people know, rats is a big trouble worldwide. In every country, we can see rats steal food from the house. They also bites furniture while their teeth growing. Not only make annoying noise but also break the furniture in the houses. Not only steal the food in the kitchen or storage warehouse but also brings disease to human and pets. For thousands of years, humanity have tried to deal with such problems. We made poison to kill them. Make traps to trap them. Raise cats to hunt them. But they haven't been exterminated. On the contrary, they become stronger, smarter and living in every corner on this planet. Traditional methods are no longer that useful to catch these small creatures.</p> <p></p> <p>Rats repeller is a high tech item which deterrent them away with ultrasonic waves, a high frequency sonic wave which can only be heard by the rats, not affection to human, pets or other electric devices. Safe, clean, eco-friendly and effective.</p> <p>This kind of device will create an uncomfortable and dangerous environment for the rats. Make them feel scared in the protected area, and leave this place without any injury.</p>
  • Dog Repeller
    <p>Dog Repeller</p> <p>Dog repeller is a kind of product which can be used in the house or garden. As we know, unwelcome dog will destroy our garden. Today we create the dog repeller to help people solve this problem.</p> <p>dog repeller using ultrasonic, flashing with PIR sensor to protect your private area away from the unwelcome animals. PIR sensor will detect the heat of the dogs when they come over the detecting area. When detected, the device will be active and emit strong ultrasonic wave and flashing together to scare them away from the area. Just like shorting at them but human beings can not hear the noisy. After several days they will move away from your house, leave a comfortable environment for your family. Totally eco-friendly, no chemical, no drugs, no harmful.</p>
  • Plašiče SLIMÁKOV
  • Cockroach scarecrows
  • Plašič TCHORA
  • Insect Repeller
    <p>Protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes, bugs, spiders, flies... with a safe and effective insect repellent. As you know, Insect carry diseases, cause property damages, irritate allergies and do other harm to people and pet, it is on anywhere in your home, office, warehouse, restaurant... <br /><br />For thousands of years, humanity have tried to deal with such problems. We made poison to kill them.Make traps to trap them. But they haven't been exterminated. <br />On the contrary, they become stronger, smarter and living in every corner on this planet. Traditional methods are no longer that useful to catch these small insect. <br />Our insect repeller, you only need to plug in, it will emit the ultrasonic or electromagnetic to repel the insect out off the area, and no harm to human, pets or other electric devices. Safe, clean, eco-friendly and effective.</p>
  • Deer Repeller
    <p>Deer Repeller</p> <p>As you know, there are always uninvited animals, like deer. Deer repeller is a kind of product to repel these animals away with PIR sensor, ultrasonic waves, flashlight. When these uninvited animals come into the PIR sensor area, it triggers strong ultrasonic and flashing signal, these unwelcome animals will become so annoyed and disoriented from this unpleasant noise, they'll leave and never want to return. Deer repeller could repel deer up to 6,000 square feet! Meanwhile,deer Repeller is Eco-Friendly, using a non-toxic solution to drive deer away. No sprays, out of the hearing range of humans and most household pets. It saves the environment and many thousands of dollars every year by preventing deer damage to landscaping and crops.</p> <p></p> <p>The simple design and natural green color of deer repeller posts blend into your landscaping with minimal visual impact. Deer Repeller has been built to withstand both the unforgiving sun and torrential rain with quality and craftsmanship guarantee.Which has been designed to operate with batteries or included AC adapter.  It allows more flexibility to install the device where you want to based on your unique situation.</p>
  • Youth scarers up to 25...

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